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Understanding Licensing, Publishing, & Distribution

We will go over artist’s key sources of income, including mechanical income, synchronization with film or television, public performance and broadcast. Students will review the methods of collection, calculation and distribution of income, and investigate the economic structure of a music publishing and recording business. All types of distribution channels are examined in this course, from traditional big-box retailers to digital retail and the mobile platform. In addition, this course examines the exploitation of a music product for optimal monetization and the new business models for creating revenue streams.


The Language Of Music Publishing

As an artist, a publishers’ contractual language will often look foreign to you. Copyrights are assets, just like a piece of land or a house that you own. If you know how complex a mortgage contract is for a home, it’s no surprise that a publishing agreement can often be difficult to understand. Don’t sweat it; there are a few basic terms that will give you a foundation for understanding the scope of a publishing agreement.

What does a music publisher do? What kind of royalties do songwriters earn? We’ll go over that in this course.

Publishable Music Content

As a creative, you’ve probably thought about or have created some time of musical content. But is it something you can publish and reap the benefits of?

By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly what constitutes publishable musical content whether it’s a voice recording, a music sample, or an original composition of lyrics and/or an instrumental.

The Basics Of Licensing, Publishing, & Distribution

Those involved in the music industry know that success depends largely on their ability to take advantage of every opportunity possible. This is true in all areas of the industry, from publishing to licensing to distributing your published materials. If you are looking to develop your career in the music industry, a good understanding of the business behind it can help a lot.

In this course, learn how to license, publish, and distribute your music. We will acquaint you with the basics of music licensing, explain exactly what publishing is, how income is generated in music licensing, publishing, and distribution and what you own when writing and recording your creative assets. True School University will give you the foundation of knowing how to make your money so you can create a viable game plan for your business.

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Enrolled: 7 students
Lectures: 6
Level: Beginner

Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Understanding Licensing, Publishing, & Distribution
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